Wesley Verhoeve
Wesley Verhoeve is a photographer and curator who switches home bases between Amsterdam and New York City. He works in all kinds of different area's of photography and curating. Besides that he also runs a big Instagram account and he also writes monthly newsletters for photography loverss on: https://wesley.substack.com/ Besides this Wesley has been very keen to help me out with all kinds of small things, which really helps me out big time.
I choose Wesley because he shared this very inspiring series of pictures in the Analog Club Amsterdam online group. These were taking in New York City during autumn when it was already quite cold outside but the sun was beaming which made him and Willem Verbeeck go outside to take pictures, which led to this amazing series which just catch your eye.
Also be sure check out Wesley his new book "Notice" which you can find on his website which is linked above, and some sneak peaks that are shown down below.